Stalin’s Funeral

Pravda for 9 March 1953 announcing the funeral of Joseph Stalin.

Early morning, soldiers taking their places along the funeral route while a car races with a dignitary to the House of Unions before the ceremony begins

Diplomats and service attachés, including Colonel Philip Hawes, crossing Manezh Square to take their places on Red Square early on the morning of 9 March

An official pass to the funeral ceremony on Red Square issued to US Air Attaché Colonel Philip Hawes

In the alleys behind the US embassy, Russians gather hoping to hear sounds of the funeral

Shortly before 10am, the cortege gathers in front of the House of Unions

The procession turning from Okhotny Ryad onto Manege Square in front of the Hotel Moscow

Stalin's caisson begins to pass in front of the Hotel Moscow

A zoom photograph of Stalin's caisson

A zoom photograph of Stalin's caisson

Funeral marchers bearing wreaths in front of the caisson

The caisson approaching the State Historical Museum

The cortege ascending Kremlin Passage onto Red Square

Wreaths line the walls of the State Historical Musuem along Kremlin Passage

A zoom photograph onto Red Square, with GUM in the background

Soldiers preparing to march across Red Square during the ceremony

During the official funeral ceremony, approximately 11am

During the official funeral ceremony, approximately 11am

Military vehicles preparing to drive onto Red Square towards the end of the ceremony

Airforce jets executing a flyover toward the end of the ceremony shortly after noon

Cars approaching Red Square to pick up dignitaries at the end of the funeral

Mounted troops leaving the ceremony and crossing Manege Square

The barriers down, Muscovites flock onto Manege Square

Trucks block Muscovites access to Red Square

Soldiers marching across Manege Square on their way back to their barracks

Crowds on Manege Square after the funeral

Buses gathering the large numbers who witnessed the funeral on Red Square

Crowds on Manege Square after the funeral

Leningrad Pravda for 10 March 1953