Around Moscow

View of the Kremlin from the roof of the British embassy (L to R: Grand Kremlin Palace, Cathedral of the Annunciation, The Archangel Michael Cathedral, and the Spasskaya Tower). 1952

View of the Kremlin from the roof of the British embassy

View of the Kremlin from the roof of the British embassy (L to R: Vodovzvodnaya and Borovitskaya Towers and the Armoury Chamber. The V. I. Lenin Library of the USSR is in the background)

Driving along the Moscow River embankment toward the Kremlin. 13 January 1953

Red Square with the Spasskaya Tower and State Historical Museum. January 1953

St. Basil's Cathedral. 13 January 1953

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky, heroes during the Time of Troubles of the 17th century, erected 1818. 1952

Red Square and the Kremlin Senate. 13 January 1953

Red Square and the Kremlin Senate. 13 January 1953

Red Square with the Lenin mausoleum, Nikolaevskaya and Corner Arsenal Towers. 13 January 1953

GUM--the State Department Store on Red Square opposite the Kremlin. 13 January 1953

Booklet cover advertising the reopening of GUM in December 1953. It had been closed by order of Stalin in 1930

Advertisement booklet with a layout of GUM's various departments

The line for the Lenin mausoleum. January 1953

Exiting Red Square onto Manege Square. To the far right, the Hotel Moscow. In the center, the Hotel National. A small section of the US embassy can be made out to the left of the Hotel National. 13 January 1953

Exiting Red Square onto Manege Square on 13 January 1953. The large building to the left is the State Historical Museum.

A view through the arch of the US embassy across Manege Square onto the Kremlin Arsenal and Corner Arsenal Tower. Winter 1953

A view through the arch of the US embassy across Manege Square. May 1953

A view from the US embassy toward the Hotel Moscow. May 1953

A view from upstairs at the US embassy down Mokhovaya Street . May 1953

Spaso House, residence of the US ambassador. November 1953

Pony rides at the Moscow zoo

The tiger pen at the Moscow zoo

Snacks at the Moscow zoo

Moscow Botanical Gardens. Spring 1953

"Clematis Jacquemontii," Moscow Botanical Gardens. Spring 1953

Stalin, Moscow Botanical Gardens. Spring 1953

Driving along Tchaikovsky Street (now Novinsky Boulevard) toward the new US embassy, across the street from the large building under construction. May 1953

The new US embassy on Tchaikovsky Street

The new US embassy on Tchaikovsky Street.

The new US embassy on Tchaikovsky Street

Apartment block under construction across from the US embassy on Tchaikovsky Street. May 1953

Apartment block under construction across from the US embassy, the towers of the Kremlin visible in the background. May 1953

View from the new embassy. The signs read--Peace to the Word and Peace will defeat War. October 1953

View along Tchaikovsky Street from the new embassy . May 1953

View from atop the new embassy toward the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building. May 1953

View along Tchaikovsky Street from the new US embassy.

View from atop the new US embassy. May 1953

View along Sadovaya Samotechnaya Street, not far from the new embassy. May 1953

View along Sadovaya Samotechnaya Street, not far from the new embassy. May 1953

A painting by Jan of the courtyards off Sadovaya Samotechnaya Street. Autumn 1953

Truck hauling men along Tchaikovsky Street. May 1953

Truck hauling men and a large crate along Tchaikovsky Street. May 1953

Truck hauling a family and their possessions along Tchaikovsky Street. May 1953

Truck hauling hay bales and a couple along Tchaikovsky Street. May 1953

Women patching the street in front of the new embassy. May 1953

Relay race along Tchaikovsky Street. 3 May 1953

Jan's painting of the sidestreets off Tchaikovsky Street, October 1953

Policeman and his motorcycle in front of the new embassy. May 1953

Traffic accident between a city bus and one of the American embassy's Oldsmobiles. 1954

Mounted militia along Sadovaya Samotechnaya Street. Summer 1953

Mounted militia along Sadovya Samotechnaya Street. Summer 1953

Mounted militia along Sadovaya Samotechnaya Street. Summer 1953

View of Sadovaya Samotechnaya Street. Summer 1953

Three women laborers turning the corner of Bolshoi Deviatinsky Lane next to the new embassy. May 1953

The corner of Bolshoi Deviatinsky Lane. May 1953

The corner of Bolshoi Deviatinsky Lane as seen from the new US embassy. May 1953

Construction of the Hotel Ukraina from the top of the new embassy. May 1953

Construction of the Hotel Ukraina from atop the new U.S. embassy. May 1953

Construction of the Hotel Ukraina from the top of the new embassy. Summer 1953

Construction of new apartment building on Insurrection (now Kudrinskaya) Square from the top of the new embassy. May 1953

Construction of new apartment building on Insurrection (now Kudrinskaya) Square from the top of the new embassy. May 1953

Driving along Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya Street. A billboard to the right advertises the Neorealist Italian film "Rome 11:00" of 1952

A milk store at 22 Herzen Street (now Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street). February 1954

People lined up before a grocery store at 32 Herzen Street

"Meat and Fish Store No. 20" on Herzen Street

"Meat, Fish, and Vegetables" store on Herzen Street (now Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street). February 1954

Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory at 13 Herzen Street (now Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street). February 1954

"Agitpunkt": Polling station number 22, Krasnopresnensky voting district, calling on citizens to vote in the 14 March 1954 election for the Supreme Soviet. February 1954

Krasnopresnensky branch of the Moscow City Bank, 29 Herzen Street (now Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street)

Another view of the Moscow City Bank, 29 Herzen Street

Along Arbat Street looking toward Arbat Square. February 1954

The children's film "Lights on the River" playing at the Arts Cinema, 14 Arbat Square. February 1954

Along Gorky Street (now Tverskaya Street). February 1954

Grocery Store No. 21 at Nikitsky Gates. February 1954

An antiquarian bookstore on Arts Theater Lane (now Kamergersky Lane). February 1954

A beer and water shop. Location unknown. February 1954

Taganka Square

Arts Salon Store, 12 Petrovka Street

Flower stand, Petrovka Street

Flower stand, Petrovka Street

Petrovka Street.

Smiling woman, Petrovka Street

The Petrovsky Passage, 10 Petrovka Street. February 1954

Interior, Petrovsky Passage. February 1954

Interior, Petrovsky Passage

Central Department Store, 2 Petrovka Street. February 1954

Central Department Store, 2 Petrovka Street. February 1954

Central Department Store, 2 Petrovka Street. February 1954

Window shopping. Moscow. February 1954

Near the box office of the Bolshoi Theater, Sverdlov Square (now Theater Square). February 1954

Looking from Sverdlov Square toward Dzerzhinsky Square (now Lubyanka Square), the Hotel Metropole to the right

The Hotel Metropole

The Maly Theater. February 1954

Revolution Square with the Bolshoi Theater in the background. February 1954

The Donskoi Monastery and the Shukhov Tower

Entrance to the Donskoi Monastery

Empty boxes and packing material, location in Moscow unknown

Child walking along Kuritskaya Street, the Novospassky Monastery in the background. April 1954

Novospassky Monastery. April 1954

Three boys on a bench, Novospassky Monastery. May 1953

Three boys on a bench, Novospassky Monastery. May 1953